May Talent welcomes applications from enthusiastic performers.

For young performer representation please read the following before applying:

This is a fast-paced and highly competitive industry which requires commitment and, at times, sacrifice. If you are a young performer, parent or guardian would you be prepared to travel to London within 24 hours notice for a casting? Or submit a self-tape with just two days to prepare? While we do endeavour to arrange castings outside of school/work hours this may not always be possible or may require you to travel into central London straight after school/work for a 5pm casting. Is this something you’d be able to commit to? 

If you’re the parent or guardian of a young performer, you will be required to chaperone them to auditions and jobs. Is this something you could commit to at short notice or on a regular basis? Could you support your child travelling to London for a show three or four times a week? Are you comfortable with your child missing time away from school? 

Our young performers and parents/guardians are expected to prioritise auditions. We do understand that there are times when you’re not available so communication is key and we will ask you to keep us up to date with holidays and other commitments etc.

If you have answered yes to all of the above then we would love to hear from you.

To apply for representation please send an email to including the following information:

  • Name and age of the applicant

  • Covering letter explaining why they’re looking for representation and their aspirations

  • Where they are based

  • Relevant training and/or performing experience

  • Current photo / headshot

  • Showreel (if available)

  • Spotlight View Pin (if available)

We kindly ask you not to send physical post or call the agency in regards to representation. 

If you have any questions please see our FAQs or use our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.